Once upon a time, in the digital realm, there existed a peculiar meme coin called "FoxWifBag." It emerged from the depths of internet obscurity, propelled by the whimsical charm of a cunning fox in a bag. Investors chuckled at its absurdity but couldn't resist its allure. As the coin gained traction, memes flooded social media, and its value soared to unprecedented heights.
download & set up a trust wallet and buy ETH as your base currency
Connect to a decentralized exchange (DEX) like Uniswap, SushiSwap, or 1inch. Open the DEX website and click on "Connect Wallet".Then select MetaMask.
Swap ETH for $
To swap ETH for $, select ETH in the "from" field and choose $ in the "to" field using our contract address. Enter the amount of tokens you want & press swap
verify & HOLD
Verify your transaction status in MetaMask under the "Activity" tab or on Etherscan using your Ethereum address. You import the token to your MetaMask by pasting in the CA..